Making a Grant Application - Current Grant Holders

Making a Grant Application - Current Grant Holders

Making a 2024/25 Grant Application - Current Grant Holders

If you are continuing your course in 2024/25, you will need to renew your application online to find out if you are eligible to receive continued student grant funding for academic year 2024/25. SUSI opens for renewal applications on 7 March 2024.

You should make your application as soon as possible after the opening date and before the priority closing dates which are 6 June 2024 for renewal grant applications and 11 July 2024 for new grant applications.

If you currently hold a SUSI grant but you are starting a new course or changing course next year, you will need to make a new application from 4 April 2024.

Please see below for further information.

If you are continuing and progressing on the same course in academic year 2024/25, you should make a grant renewal application from 7 March 2024. The priority closing date for grant renewal applications is 6 June 2024.

If you are repeating a year on the same course, you will not be eligible for grant funding unless there are exceptional circumstances. 

If you have any questions when making your grant renewal application, check out our guide to making a renewal application.

In processing your application, we will refer to any information that you may have provided on previous applications but please note that we may also need to ask you for further documentary evidence.

You should make a new grant application when SUSI opens for new applications on 4 April 2024 if you have:

  • completed your course, or
  • will be changing course or college, or
  • will be starting a new course, including entering an add-on year, in academic year 2024/25, or you
  • cancelled your grant application, withdrew from your course, or deferred your studies in 2023/24.

and if you are:

  • progressing in your education to pursue a course at a higher level on the National Framework of Qualifications, and
  • eligible to receive a grant subject to the maximum periods of grant funding.

The priority closing date for new grant applications is 11 July 2024.

Note that “changing course or college or starting a new course” includes progressing from:

  • PLC level 5 to PLC level 6 studies, including within the same course,
  • a PLC level course to a higher education course,
  • an undergraduate level 6 or 7 course to an “add-on” course at level 7 or 8,
  • an undergraduate course to another undergraduate course,
  • undergraduate to postgraduate studies, including within the same course, and
  • a postgraduate course to another postgraduate course.

If you have any questions when making your new grant application, check out our guide to making a new application.

SUSI will email students who were awarded a grant in academic year 2023/24 to let them know if our records indicate that they should make a new or a renewal application. SUSI will ask you to make a new application in the following circumstances:

  • you have completed the final year of your current course and are starting a new course in 2024/25, or
  • you have exhausted the student grant funding available to you at your current level of studies.

If you receive a new application email from SUSI but are continuing and progressing on the same course in academic year 2024/25, please contact us after 7 March 2024 to arrange a grant renewal application.

Some students may not receive an email notification from us, for example if they were awarded a 2023/24 grant after February 2024. Please contact us at to arrange a grant renewal application.

Several measures were announced in Budget 2024 that may affect the rate of grant that you will be eligible for in 2024/25

  1. Increase to maintenance grant rate. From September 2024 the non-adjacent maintenance rates will increase by €615 per academic year and the adjacent maintenance rates will increase by 10% per academic year.
  2. Eligible postgraduate students who meet the eligibility criteria including income thresholds will received maintenance grants.
  3. An increase to the income threshold for Band 4 Maintenance from €46,790 to €50,840
  4. An increase to the income threshold for 100% Student Contribution grant from €50,840 to €55,924.

Check out Budget 2024 to identify if you may be affected by these measures.

If the household income has changed during 2023 to an extent that it may affect your current rate of grant, you should answer “YES” to the question on the application form ‘Have your family and income details changed since your last application?’

You should also answer “YES” to this question if your income has not changed during 2023 but you believe that the budget measures may affect your current rate of grant.

Once we are open for applications, you can start an application by logging into your SUSI student portal. You will need your username, password and PIN code. If you are unable to remember your password or PIN code, you should follow the instructions in the ‘I forgot my password/PIN code’ links on the login page

Image of login page

If you have a MyGovID Verified account, you can use your MyGovID to log in to your SUSI portal. If you do not have a MyGovID Verified account and would like to know more, please see

You should make your application as soon as possible after the opening date and before the priority closing dates which are 6 June 2024 for renewal grant applications and 11 July 2024 for new grant applications.

Before you apply, you should refer to the Important Notes for Grant Applicants and the SUSI Eligibility Criteria, especially the Previous Education and Progression page.