Open Data Statement

Open Data Statement

Open Data Statement


SUSI is committed to providing data to the public in line with the requirements of the  Open Data Directive  (Open Data and re-use of Public Sector information Directive) (EU) 2019/1024, transposed into Irish law by  S.I. No. 376/2021 on 22 July 2021. It mandates the release of public data in free and open formats.

SUSI is committed to the principles of Open Data, in accordance with the national open data strategy. These principles are aimed at promoting innovation and transparency through the publication of SUSI data in open, free and reusable formats.

SUSI information is freely available to the public and can be found on PxStat on the Central Statistics Office (CSO) website.

PxStat is the CSO’s online data dissemination tool. It provides access to a wide range of official Irish statistics in an interactive format.

What Data is being Published?

SUSI publishes detailed data on grant application outcomes, expenditure, and fee payments on the CSO PxStat website. The datasets include grant application outcomes broken down by county, higher education institution and student type (PLC, undergraduate and postgraduate). Additionally, SUSI provides data on maintenance and fee grant expenditure, categorised by graduate type and further divided into grant bands. Also included is further information on fee expenditure, detailing the amounts paid directly to higher education institutions. These datasets offer valuable insights into the distribution of student financial support across Ireland.

To ensure compliance with data protection regulations and safeguard the privacy of grant applicants, SUSI redacts any datasets where the number of values is 20 or less. This measure is taken out of an abundance of caution to prevent the potential identification of individuals, even in anonymised data.

By suppressing small-value data points, SUSI aligns with best practices in statistical disclosure control. This approach ensures that while transparency in grant funding remains a priority, student privacy and data confidentiality are fully protected.

Release Schedule

SUSI releases data on grant recipients and expenditure to the CSO PxStat website each year with data refreshed every six months.

Release Date for Academic Year 23/24

  • 24 March 2025 – First release of grant recipient and expenditure data 23/24

Release Date for Academic Year 24/25

  • 1 October 2025 – Release of grant recipient and expenditure data 24/25

For further information contact SUSI’s Open Data team at

Open Data FAQs

What is Open Data?

Open Data refers to publicly available data that can be freely accessed, used and shared by anyone. It is published in open formats that allow for easy analysis and reuse. The goal of Open Data is to promote transparency, innovation, and informed decision-making by making government and public sector information more accessible. SUSI publishes Open Data in compliance with the Open Data Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1024), ensuring data is structured, machine-readable and openly licensed for reuse.

Who can make an Open Data Request?

Anyone can make an Open Data request, including individuals, businesses, researchers, journalists, and public bodies. Requests can be made for access to non-confidential data held by SUSI. Open Data is intended to be accessible to all and can be used for various purposes such as research, analysis, and policy development.

How can I make a Request?

To request Open Data from SUSI, follow these steps:

  1. Visit SUSI Open Data
  2. Check our published datasets to see if the information you need is already available.
  3. If the data is not available, submit a request by emailing our Open Data team at
  4. Provide details about the specific data you require, including the format in which you would like to receive it.

SUSI aims to process and respond to requests in a timely manner, in line with the Open Data Directive.

What if my Request is Refused? Can I Appeal?

In certain cases, SUSI may refuse an Open Data request based on legal, security, confidentiality or administrative grounds. Common reasons for refusal include:

  • Protection of personal or sensitive information under GDPR.
  • National security or public interest concerns.
  • Data that contains trade secrets or intellectual property restrictions.
  • Requests that would impose an excessive administrative burden.

If your request is refused, you will receive a formal explanation outlining the reasons for the refusal. You may appeal this decision by submitting a formal appeal to SUSI, which will be reviewed in accordance with relevant regulations. Further appeals may be directed to the or another relevant authority.

How long before SUSI will release the Requested Information?

SUSI aims to process Open Data requests as efficiently as possible. The timeline for releasing data depends on several factors, including the complexity of the request, the format of the data and whether any exemptions apply.


  • Requests for readily available data will be processed within 20 working days.
  • More complex requests may take longer and you will be informed if additional time is required.
  • If a request is refused, SUSI will provide a response with reasons for the refusal within the same timeframe.

If you have any further questions, please contact our Open Data team at