Tertiary Education Programmes

Tertiary Education Programmes

What are Tertiary Education Programmes?

Launched in 2023, tertiary education programmes are a new pathway to a bachelor’s degree. A joint further and higher education degree programme, tertiary education programmes begin in a local education and training board centre and finish in a university.

All tertiary education programmes lead to an NFQ level 7 or 8 degree.


For the Bachelor of Science in Software Development, students will complete the first two years in Portlaoise Institute, followed by Years 3 and 4 in the South East Technological University (SETU).


If you are interested in pursuing a tertiary education programme, you may be eligible for:

  • a maintenance grant for the course years that take place in an education and training board centre.
  • a maintenance grant and a fee grant for the years that take place in a university.

To be eligible for these grant, the student must meet all of SUSI’s eligibility criteria.

Courses 2024/25

Field of Study Further education Provider(s) Higher Education Provider Final Award Year 1-2 Registered Institute Year 1-2 Location(s)
Business Limerick Clare ETB Technical University Shannon  Bachelor of Business (Honours)  College of Further Education and Training – Ennis Campus, Clonroad Business Park, Clonroad, Ennis, Co. Clare V95 KT95 College of FET - Ennis Campus
Laois Offaly ETB South East Technological University Bachelor of Business (Honours) in:

Business Management
Human ResourceManagement
International Business
Supply Chain Management
Finance and Accounting
Portlaoise Institute (Portlaoise College), Mountrath Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, R32 N795 Portlaoise Institute
  Atlantic Technological University Bachelor of Business (Honours) in     
Mayo Sligo Leitrim ETB Supply Chain Management Mayo College of Further Education and Training  Castlebar College of Further Education (Davitt College), Newtown, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 EW84
Donegal ETB Enterprise and Innovation Donegal ETB, Letterkenny Training Centre, Ballyraine Industrial
Estate, Ramelton Road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, F92 WR89 
FET Centre Letterkenny (Port Road)
Port Road
Co. Donegal
F92 WEW8
Galway Roscommon ETB  Digital Business Galway Technical Institute, Fr Griffin Rd, The Claddagh, Galway, H91 KA 49.  Galway Technical Institute, Fr Griffin Rd, The Claddagh, Galway, H91 KA 49. 
Cork ETB Munster Technological University Bachelor of Business (Level 8)   Cork College of FET, Morrissons Island Campus 
Cork College of FET, Morrison Island Campus, Morrison Island, Cork, T12 H685
City of Dublin FET 

National College of Ireland

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Digital and Business (level 8) City of Dublin FET College Cathal Brugha Campus City of Dublin FET College Cathal Brugha Campus
Kerry ETB Munster Technological University Bachelor of Business (Level 8 Kerry College of Further Education and Training - Clash Road Campus, Clash Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 Y991 Kerry College of FET – Clash Campus
Limerick Clare ETB Technical University Shannon  BBs (Hons) in Business and Computing College of Further Education and Training – Ennis Campus, Clonroad Business Park, Clonroad, Ennis, Co. Clare V95 KT95 College of FET - Ennis Campus
Kilkenny Carlow ETB South East Technological University BBs in Tourism and Hospitality Services Carlow Institute, Mortarstown Upper, R93X0FX Carlow Institute for Further Education and Training
Waterford Wexford ETB South East Technological University Bachelor of Business (Hons) Enniscorthy College of Further Education, Milehouse Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Y21YX56 Enniscorthy College of FET
Waterford Wexford ETB South East Technological University Bachelor of Business Dungarvan College of Further Education and Training, Youghal Road, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, X35 PV34 Dungarvan College
Tipperary ETB  Technical University Shannon  Bachelor of Business (Hons) Templemore College of FE. Richmond, Templemore Co. Tipperary E41 FF98 Templemore College of FE
   Coláiste Éile
Central Technical Institute (Clonmel PLC), Clonmel, Co Tipperary.  E91 K2E2  Clonmel PLC
Roscrea PLC, Coláiste Phobal, Corville Road Roscrea. E53 V449 Coláiste Phobal
Tipperary Community Services Centre, Michael St. Tipperary Town, Co. Tipperary. E34 K156 Tipperary Town PLC
Nenagh College of Further Education, Dromin Road, Nenagh,Co. Tipperary. E45 VF51 Nenagh College of Further Education
Kildare Wicklow ETB             City of Dublin ETB Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT) BBs (Hons) in Business and Psychology Ballyfermot College of Further Education, Ballyfermot Rd, Dublin 10, D10 TX46 Ballyfermot College of Further Education
Bray Institute of Further Education (St Thomas' Community College), Novara Avenue, Bray, Co. Wicklow, A98 ND89 Bray Institute of Further Education
Laois Offaly ETB South East Technological University Bachelor of Business (Hons) Abbeyleix Further Education and Training Centre, New Road, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois R32 TX30 Abbeyleix Further Education and Training Centre
ICT  Laois Offaly ETB South East Technological University Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Development
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in IT Management
Portlaoise Institute (Portlaoise College), Mountrath Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, R32 N795 Portlaoise Institute
Limerick Clare ETB Technical University Shannon  Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mobile and Web Computing  College of Further Education and Training - LCFE Mulgrave Street Campus, Mulgrave Street, Limerick, V94 P232 Limerick College of Further Education – Mulgrave Street
Cork ETB  Munster Technological University Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Software Development  Morrison Island Campus, Cork College of FET, Morrison Island, Cork, T12 H685

Douglas St Campus, Cork College of FET, Sawmill St., Cork, T12 DW32
Cork College of FET – Morrison Island Campus  and   Cork College of FET Douglas Street Campus (2) venues)
Laois Offaly ETB South East Technological University BSc (Hons) in Software Development
BSc (Hons) in Information Technology Management
Portlaoise Institute (Portlaoise College), Mountrath Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, R32 N795 Portlaoise Institute
Kilkenny Carlow ETB South East Technological University BSc (Hons) in Information Technology Management Kilkenny College of Further Education and Training, Ormonde Road, Kilkenny, R95W2XN College of Further Education Kilkenny
Arts  Kerry ETB
Cork ETB
Munster Technological University BA (Hons) in Animation, Visual Effects and Motion Design Kerry College of Further Education and Training - Clash Road Campus, Clash Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 Y991 Kerry College of FET -Clash Road Campus
Douglas St Campus, Cork College of FET, Sawmill St., Cork, T12 DW32 Cork College of FET – Douglas Street Campus
Kildare Wicklow ETB City of Dublin ETB Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT) BA (Hons) in Immersive Media Production Ballyfermot College of Further Education, Ballyfermot Rd, Dublin 10, D10 TX46 Ballyfermot College of Further Education
Bray Institute of Further Education (St Thomas' Community College), Novara Avenue, Bray, Co. Wicklow, A98 ND89 Bray Institute of Further Education
Cork ETB  Munster Technological University BA (Hons) in Popular Music  Tramore Road Campus, Cork College of FET, Tramore Road, Cork, T12 AC91 Cork College of FET – Tramore Road Campus
Tipperary ETB  Technical University Shannon  BSc (Hons) in Visual Effects for Film TV and Animation Templemore College of Further Education Richmond, Templemore, Co. Tipperary E41FF98 Templemore College of FE
Cavan Monaghan ETB Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) BA (Hons) in Audio and Music Production Cavan Institute of Further Education, Cathedral Road, Keadew, Cavan H12 E426 Cavan Institute
Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction   Atlantic Technological University BSc (Hons)  in Sustainable Engineering Technologies. In:    
Mayo Sligo Leitrim ETB   Ballinode College/Sligo College of Further Education, Clarion Road, Ballinode, Sligo, F91 DY66 Sligo College FET, Sligo Campus F91 DY66
Donegal ETB Technologies for the Manufacturing Industry Donegal ETB, Letterkenny Training Centre, Ballyraine Industrial Estate, Ramelton Road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal  F92 WR89 FET Centre Letterkenny (Port Road)
Port Road
Co. Donegal
F92 WEW8
Galway Roscommon ETB  Technologies for Computing Galway Community College, Moneenageisha, Galway, H91 K642 Galway Community College, Moneenageisha, Galway, H91 K642
Galway Roscommon ETB  Atlantic Technological University BSc in Industrial Laboratory Science with options in: Donegal ETB, Letterkenny Training Centre, Ballyraine Industrial Estate, Ramelton Road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal  F92 WR89 FET Centre Letterkenny (Port Road)
Port Road
Co. Donegal
F92 WEW8
Mayo Sligo Leitrim ETB Biopharmaceutical Science  Mayo College of Further Education and Training  Mayo College of FET –  Westport Campus.
Donegal ETB Life Sciences Galway Community College, Moneenageisha, Galway, H91 K642 Galway Community College, Moneenageisha, Galway, H91 K642
Limerick Clare ETB Technical University Shannon  BSc (Hons) in Construction Management College of Further Education and Training - Raheen Campus, Cloughkeating Avenue, Raheen Business Park, Limerick City, V94 CV66 College of FET - Raheen Campus
Health and Welfare Galway Roscommon ETB  Atlantic Technological University BSc (Hons) in General Nursing Donegal ETB, Letterkenny Training Centre, Ballyraine Industrial Estate, Ramelton Road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal  F92 WR89 Donegal ETB, Letterkenny Training Centre, Ballyraine Industrial Estate, Ramelton Road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal  F92 WR89
Mayo Sligo Leitrim ETB Galway Technical Institute, Fr Griffin Rd, The Claddagh, Galway, H91 KA 49.  FET Centre, Dunmore, Co. Galway
 Donegal ETB Ballinode Community College/Sligo College of Further Education, Clarion Road, Ballinode, Sligo, F91 DY66 Sligo College of Further Education
Kerry ETB Munster Technological University BSc (Hons) in General Nursing Kerry College of Further Education and Training - Denny Street Campus, 5-8 Denny Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 Y751. Kerry College
Kerry College Listowel Campus. Listowel Business Development Centre, V31 PC79 Kerry College of Further Education and Training - Denny Street Campus, 5-8 Denny Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 Y751.
Cork ETB Cork College of FET, Morrison's Island, Cork T12 H685 Cork College of FET
Kerry ETB Munster Technological University BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing Kerry College of Further Education and Training - Denny Street Campus, 5-8 Denny Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 Y751. Kerry College
Cork ETB Cork College of FET, Morrison's Island, Cork T12 H685 Cork College of FET
Kilkenny Carlow ETB South East Technological University BSc (Hons) in Public Health and Health Promotion Kilkenny College of Further Education and Training, Ormonde Road, Kilkenny, R95W2XN College of Further Education and Training Kilkenny 
Kilkenny Carlow ETB South East Technological University BSc in Applied Healthcare Carlow Institute, Mortarstown Upper, R93X0FX Carlow Institute for Further Education and Training
Cork ETB University college Cork Bachelor in Social Work Morrison Island Campus, Cork College of FET, Morrison Island, Cork, T12 H685 Cork College of FET - Morrisons Island Campus