Relevant Person in Further and Higher Education

Relevant Person in Further and Higher Education

What is a Relevant Person?

A relevant person is defined as another person, within the household who is attending a full-time course in further or higher education at the same time as the applicant.

The reckonable income thresholds can be adjusted to take account of relevant persons attending a full-time course of at least one year’s duration in Ireland, the EU or the UK leading to a major award at Levels 5 to 10 of the National Framework of Qualifications. This may improve the applicant’s rate of maintenance grant. 

 A relevant person may be:

  • A dependent child (for example, an applicant’s sibling);
  • A dependent student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s); or
  • An independent student’s spouse, civil partner or cohabitant.   

If you have already been awarded a grant, but there is a relevant person in your household in full-time further or higher education at the same time as you, you can send SUSI evidence that the relevant person is registered and attending college for the 2025/26 academic year. 

SUSI will need a letter from the college or institution confirming that the relevant person is registered and will be attending full-time in the 2025/26 academic year. This letter must:

  • be on official headed paper and be signed
  • be stamped by the college and
  • be clearly marked with your own name and SUSI application reference number.

Please send this letter by post to SUSI, PO Box 869, Little Island, Cork.

This letter can only be obtained from the college once the student has registered on their course. 

If you have already been awarded the special rate of maintenance grant, evidence of relevant persons is not required as you have already been awarded the maximum rate available. Please check your award letter before submitting a review request.

SUSI will review your application and documentation. If you are eligible for a higher rate of grant, we will send you a new award letter by post.